Sunday 18 January 2015


Out of all my eyeshadow palettes (trust me when I say I have too many), I would have to say I reach for my MAC eyeshadow palette the most. It might be because I picked all the colours myself but I really could use this palette every day, for natural and dramatic looks.

I will get the biggest negative about MAC eyeshadows out of the way first. Each eyeshadow/pro palette refill pan costs $26 in Australia, the empty palette itself is $30 and the 15 eyeshadow insert is $15. So it doesn't take a genius to conclude that this palette is seriously expensive. I haven't bought anything from a MAC store in Australia for about a year, instead I order from the American MAC website and use a shipping forwarding company to forward the package to me. It saves me a lot of money because MAC in America is more than half the price that it's sold here. I can do a separate blog post about what company I use and my experiences if you'd like!

Aside from the cost, MAC eyeshadows are generally very good quality. I won't say that every shade is worth the money, but there are definitely many that are. If you're going to buy any eyeshadows from MAC, I would suggest that you look up swatches and reviews online because there are so many shades to choose from.

Here are swatches of the eyeshadows I have in my MAC eyeshadow palette.

I would recommend MAC eyeshadows to anyone. My favourite matte shades are Brule, Wedge, Soft Brown and Saddle - they're all pigmented and blend really nicely. The bottom row of eyeshadows are my favourite shimmery shades, I really like bronze toned eyeshadows if you couldn't tell. Woodwinked, Tempting and Bronze are some of the best eyeshadows I own, very pigmented and creamy.

There are some more MAC eyeshadows that I really want to try so I'm considering getting a second palette because I reach for this one so often. If you ever get the chance to buy MAC products somewhere for cheaper than the Australian prices, whether it be overseas or through a shipping forwarding company, definitely try some eyeshadows. They're well worth it.

If you have any favourite eyeshadow shades that I don't have, let me know!


  1. I remember the day Joan and I were getting haircuts at mc and I saw you on your way back from buying Swiss Chocolate! Hahaha

    1. That was my first ever MAC eyeshadow haha! I've dropped it three times but I guess it's well loved?

  2. Hi could you do a post on your favourite shipping forwarding company and your experiences with them etc? :) Thanks

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